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Project Overview

Project Name


Deployment URL



Full Stack Developer


This web application is a platform that facilitates reservations for pet-dedicated hotels exclusively for dogs.

This full-stack project is built with the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) and offers functionalities such as

  1. Reservation System
  2. Payment Integration
  3. User Authentication
  4. CRUD Operations
  5. Search Bar
  6. User Input Forms
    1. Search Form
    2. Booking Form
    3. Profile Form
  7. Image Upload
  8. Image Carousel
  9. Category Sort Search
  10. Rich Text Editor
  11. Page Like Feature
  12. Map Display
  13. Social Sharing
  14. Address Search & Auto-Complete
  15. Responsive Design
  16. CI/CD
  17. Multilingual Support

Project Goals

  1. Plan, design, develop, and deploy both client and server as a full-stack developer from the scratch.
  2. Refactor the code to enhance readability and facilitate maintenance.
  3. Apply optimization techniques to improve performance.
  4. Implement responsive design to enhance user experience.
  5. Introduce an integrated payment module to provide a functioning payment system.
  6. Document and archive the project.

Project Achievements

  1. Plan, design, develop, and deploy both client and server as a full-stack developer.
  2. Refactor the code to enhance readability and facilitate maintenance.
  3. Apply optimization techniques to improve performance.
  4. Enhanced User Experience with Responsive Design
  5. Introduce an integrated payment module to provide a functioning payment system.